Let's view some of my Projects

E-Commerce Store with Django

I feel glad to build the most awaited project for every developer - E-Commerce Store. I use Django (python framework) for this purpose, backend is easily accessible by Django. I collect some picture of different products from copyright-free website and use them.


E-Commerce store live view: Live View

  1. HTML - Frontend
  2. CSS - Frontend (stylesheet)
  3. JavaScript - Frontend (animations & DOM)
  1. Djangomyadmin
  2. Django - Backend (Database)
  3. GitHub - Deploy (GIT)

Greetings users with React

We have Momentum for Chrome and Tabliss for Firefox, inspired of these two extensions I build a React app with the same features, like: show curr time and greet user accordingly. The main difference is - this react app is optimized for all browsers (**isn't not an extension**)


Greetings live view: Live View

  1. HTML - Main Page
  2. CSS - stylesheet
  3. JSX - Frontend (compiled html in JavaScript)

Weather Application

with React

This project shows us Current Weather Statictics with the Open Weather API. We can access current weather of any location


E-Commerce store live view: Live View

  1. HTML - Main Page
  2. CSS - Stylesheet
  3. JSX - Frontend (compiled html in JavaScript)

Covid-19 Tracker Application

with React

This project shows us Current Covid-19 Statictics with a Map & table. We can view current wise Covid-19 Statictics of Total, Activate & Death Cases


Covid-19 Tracker: Live View

  1. HTML - Main Page
  2. CSS - Stylesheet
  3. JSX - Frontend
  1. Use Hooks to update statictics
  2. Use Chart.js to display chart
  3. Use Leaflet Map to show Country

The Restro

Restaurant Website

This is a Restaurant Website with Several Features like displaying Menu, animations with JavaScript


The Restro: Live View

  1. HTML - Main Page
  2. CSS - Stylesheet
  3. JavaScript - Animations